Online Courses
I corsi si svolgono in E-Learning tramite video lezioni svolte tramite la DAB Academy direttamente con il docente e una volta completati si ottiene il relativo Certificato
Scrivere con Fantasia
“Writing with Fantasy” is a creative writing course that is
aims, as a goal, to introduce people to the fundamental basics
to undertake a creative and narrative path of any kind
it is, to then make the most of their development skills
of the story you intend to tell the reader, trying to underline
the most important and delicate steps that must be taken to lead to
completion of a project of this magnitude. There are many phases and many are the
topics on which we will focus to give the opportunity to acquire
the necessary concepts that will help each student of the course
to make the narrative art that is present in each of us blossom. Beyond
to the various main phases, we will also deepen the small ones
chisels that serve to embellish and enhance any type of book in
prose, to explain how to decide, which way of publication is
you think it might be more suitable for your job. In the next
pages, you will find my personal writing system, which
I decided to share with you all, taking a cue from the basics
classics of the material that we will discuss together, in order to lead you between
the ways of the labyrinth of fantasy and make sure your ideas can
find the outlet to be described in the best way.
Recitare è vivere
"Recitare è Vivere" is a theoretical course that serves to introduce newbies to the art of acting, exploring both the theatrical and the cinematographic part of the subject and above all taking as an example the theater from which the acting profession is born . The lessons of the course illustrate various basic concepts divided into 3 modules. The first module deals with all the topics that the student needs to approach the world of theater and / or cinema, the fundamental bases to start this profession, how to train the memory, how to prepare a character to be interpreted, without forgetting the correct use breathing, in conjunction with the diaphragm, and diction. In the second module we talk about how to best use the "Weapons" that the actors have at their disposal, that is, how to act at 360 degrees. So not only with the voice that is highlighted first in various aspects, including the use of dialects and ethnic accents, but also with facial and body expressions. In the third module we arrive at the practicality of the stage and how to use it in all respects, analyzing how props can help us, how to perform a monologue, how to act in a dialogue up to the possible need to overcome shyness and any kind of inhibition can be found before performing. During the course, various practical exercises are also proposed, both during regular lessons, and with videos or slides specifically dedicated, so that the concepts imparted during the course can be put into practice, thus trying to perform a sort of small virtual theater laboratory.